Author Archives: Mike

Salkantay Trek: The (Incan) Road to Machu Picchu–June 8-11, 2012

With less than a month remaining in our “many moons,” the Salkantay trek to Machu Picchu was really our final big event before flying home to rejoin the daily grind of reality. Machu Picchu is one of those places that … Continue reading

Posted in Peru | Leave a comment

Colca Canyon: Cold Hot Springs, Warm Beds, and Mike Fights a Crazy Lady!–June 2-5

Having enjoyed Puno much more than we had expected, we said goodbye to Lake Titicaca on Saturday morning and began the long journey to the tiny village of Cabanaconde, at the head of Peru’s large Colca Canyon. We were hoping … Continue reading

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Getting High in the Andes (The Raff Way): Climbing Huyana Potosi–May 25-27

 While in Chalalan, we’d decided to attempt to climb 6,088 m Huyana Potosi; neither of us was in any kind of climbing shape, but the mountain charmed us when we flew by its upper portions last week, and so we … Continue reading

Posted in Bolivia | 7 Comments

La Paz: the World’s Highest Capital and the World’s Most Dangerous Road–M

When Sarah last left you, we had just finished our tour of the Uyuni Salar, one of our favorite experiences in South America.  Before moving on to La Paz, we decided to take a rest in Uyuni for a day, … Continue reading

Posted in Bolivia | 2 Comments

When Bolivia Is On Strike, It´s Good to Find Some Hippies–May 8-9

After our frustrating attempt to get a Bolivian visa in Salta last week, gaining entrance at the border proved to be much easier than we had expected, but we were not to know at the time that the border was … Continue reading

Posted in Bolivia | 1 Comment

Tilcara and the Painted Hills–May 5-7

By the time that we left Cafayete, we had been in South America for 40 days and had a really nice taste of Argentina and Patagonian Chile, but both Sarah and I agreed that it was time to make our … Continue reading

Posted in Argentina | 1 Comment

Mendoza and Uspallata: Wine Country and the Andes–April 20-25

First, I apologize for such a generic title; I have  experienced a bit of writer’s block the past few days, so creativity is a little low here.  The days we spent in this area, on the other hand, were anything … Continue reading

Posted in Argentina | Leave a comment

Doin’ the Dubya–Our Trek of Torres del Paine in Patagonia: April 4-11

After having spent roughly a week between Buenos Aires and Northeast Argentina, we found ourselves on a plane headed down to Patagonia, a mountaineer’s paradise, although we had no aspirations (well, reasonable ones, anyway) of climbing.  Our plans did include … Continue reading

Posted in Chile | 9 Comments

Bienvenidos a Buenos Aires

 Nearly nine months ago, we set out on our yearlong tour of the world, and it seemed as though we had an eternity of adventures ahead of us; now, however, our time is winding down, and we will probably be … Continue reading

Posted in Argentina | 5 Comments

Chasin’ the Sun…With Wine…On Bikes: One Last Week of Fun on the South Island–Mar. 10-16

We’ll see how this blog goes; you see, I shipped my journal home this morning before realizing that I still needed to please the masses with tales of our final week on the South Island of New Zealand.  I can … Continue reading

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